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24th August 2004

After many months of consideration, I have come to a point where I have to make some difficult decisions regarding Dance-Again. What started out as a hobby 5 years ago has now turned into a full time job for me that not only takes up to 6 hours a day to stay on top of but also is now costing me more money than I can reasonably absorb into my family finances.


The difficult choice I have to make is between closing down the site completely or charging a small fee for listing a costume. This goes against everything I ever intended for the site, but I also never imagined that it would become a full time occupation for me. To those people who have donated money to the site over the past 3 years, I thank you from the bottom of my heart. It is this money that has kept me afloat and able to offer the site as completely free for so long. Unfortunately, it is no longer enough to cover my costs. As the site grows and grows, increasing extra bandwidth charges are becoming a problem. I have also recently had to replace my poor overworked computer and upgrade my internet access to cover extra usage.


So far Dance-Again has attracted over 3 million (now 22 Million!) visitors resulting in the sale of over 3,900 (now 14,400!) dresses. It is my hope that dress sellers will see the value of such a world wide audience and consider such exposure worth this small fee.


Please click here to be taken to my Fees and Charges page for more information.

Thank you.

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Proudly Serving Irish Dancers Since February 2001


ABN 60410663819

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